ICC Lead the way… the big announcement today? Ignition 8 is ready… you can view it in action by going to demo.inductiveautomation.com
Don Pearson (Community and Trends)
- Where did the ‘Inductive’ in Inductive Automation come from?
- Carl, Colby and Travis thought it sounded cool
Ignition has the led the way for OT/IT convergence
- From the very first days of FactorySQL
Ignition was built on three core principles
- Workability, Results, Inclusion
Steve was the OT guy
- Carl, Colby and Travis were the IT guys
- Solutions need to work for the entire enterprise
- Ignition is a modular, cross-platform platform
- Don’t buy the modules you don’t need
IA takes feedback from customers and SI’s, in a feedback loop to continually improve the platform (see later announcements from Colby and Carl)
- Industry 4.0 sea change is real
- The innovator’s dilemma
- There is a shift from proprietary platforms to open platforms
- ‘Innovation without permission’
Anecdote about Arlen and Ignition
- Innovation
- Sparkplug Specification
- Since ’16, MQTT is up and HTTP is down for IoT
Steve Hechtman (The future of IA)
- Reference the mission statement —
- The 100 pain points
- Technical
- Licensing
- Business Practices
- Ethical Short Sightedness
Added about 30% staff since last December
- Added 400 new integrators since last year — 1800 total
- Training of new developers has exploded this year
- Triangle of success
- Community
- Ignition
- Inductive Automation
Carl and Colby (Ignition 8–HTML5 and the new environment)
- The new release… Ignition 8
- Buzz driven development doesn’t work in the industrial space–Colby
- What’s new vs. What’s familiar
- There’s no such thing as ‘vintage software’ — Carl
- Ignition 8
- Most ambitious and powerful release ever
- A new beginning &&
- A continuation of what they’ve been doing from the beginning
- Completely revamped tag system
- UDTs are twice as efficient as flat tags now
- Tag changes are faster and with no real impact on the system
- Tag system is just faster
- New Scripting API
- Subscription and Data Model
- Extendable
- Dynamic UDT Parameters
- Project System
- True project inheritance
- Allows the merge of global templates with projects at the site — overrides are permissible
- Much more flexibility
- Source Control
- Modified the project resource system to support external source control tools **Yay**
- Templates can be stored in a repository and managed
- Improved the way designers interact with each other working on the same project
Ignition 8 is fully backward compatible
- Mobile
- Ignition Perspective (Vision Sibling)
- HTML5 for Industrial Applications
- The universal runtime (The web browser)
- Pure web — no plug-ins, no java
- Native IOS and Android apps
- Secure — cutting edge
- 2 Factor Auth
JSON based property model
Docking systemWeb enabled navigation strategiesExtendable — 3rd party and customLooks AWESOME!!Travis Cox
- Can try perspective now
- Demo.inductiveautomation.com
- IOS and App in the stores
- Treasure hunt at ICC to get a free T-Shirt
I spent a few hours playing with the demo… it is everything we hoped for and more. Ignition 8 and the Perspective Module are going to change the way we develop with the platform. This isn’t just a re-invention of the industrial software platform, it is a wholesale redefining of how we interact with IOT and IIOT across all platforms. Ignition 8 and Perspective open up Inductive Automation to new revenue streams–including commercial and consumer (think home automation, building automation, HVAC, etc). The announcements today are, simply put, the biggest announcements in the history of Inductive Automation. **Tip of the hat**
I have to head back to Dallas early so I’m grabbing a flight through LAX and will get back late tonight. The rest of the team is going to stay and enjoy the conference. If you see Tonya, John, Maddy or Andrew… please say hi. (Tomorrow, the 19th, is Tonya’s birthday… give her a hug and a high five!)
Thanks for reading!